Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Still Sick

Alistair is still in the hospital.

Jean-Luc and Humphrey weren't feeling too good last night but we gave them pedialyte and they are doing much better this morning.

They ate food. They drank water. I gave them antibiotics.

We visited Alistair in the hospital.

He is still on IV Fluids.

He is being given dextrose for his hypoglycemia.

He is being given pain medication so that he will not be in any pain.

His chances are 50/50.

I didn't get to take their 8 Week Day Profile Pictures.

It would have been too weird. Only three here and the ones who are here, not feeling well.

There was no way I could do it.

I did take a few pictures today. 

The antibiotics have kicked in. 
Jean-Luc and Humphrey are sleeping.
Michaela is sleeping, too, even though she hasn't had any antibiotics.

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